The construction protection net is the nets made to surround the elevator shafts, glass guards, excavated pits and for the safety of the workers. Thread thicknesses are knitted according to the desired dimensions and assembly is made according to demand.
Safety net saves lives. Construction Safety Nets are a mechanism that prevents accidents that can lead to fatal or serious injuries due to falling in constructions. Safety Nets are not only a precaution against falling, they also save the lives of workers working below by holding construction materials that may fall from the upper floors in the construction work area.
The safety net rope material used in construction is very important. We maximize your safety by using Polyamide yarn in construction safety nets. Polyamide yarn is a water-based yarn that has high resistance to U.V rays and has passed the tests and has ISO 9001 Certificate. Aviators use it as parachute rope and fishermen use it as fishing net rope because of its high strength and resistance to salt water.